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What does bakasyon mean in Filipino? - WordHippo tamasahin ang iyong bakasyon: enjoy your vacation: takdang aralin sa bakasyon: vacation lesson: bakasyon sa tag-sibol: spring vacation: bakasyon sa tag-init: summer vacation: panahon ng bakasyon noun: holiday period, holidays: Nasa bakasyon ako I'm on vacation nasa bakasyon ako: I'm on vacation: taunang bakasyon: annual vacation:
Bakasyon Meaning - Tagalog Dictionary length of time for which one has leave of absence: bakasyon ; v 1 to take leave of, to say good-bye to: magpaalam ; 2 to take leave of absence: magbakasyon; holiday n 1 a festive day: pista, piyesta ; 2 a vacation: bakasyon, pamamahinga ; 3 official holiday: piyesta opisyal, pista opisyal; gugol v gumugol; gugulin (-um:-in) to spend
BAKASYON - Tagalog Lang BAKASYON Vacation in the Philippines Tagalog Filipino to English translation of examples words and phrases
bakasyon in English - Tagalog-English Dictionary | Glosbe Translation of "bakasyon" into English vacation, holiday, break are the top translations of "bakasyon" into English Sample translated sentence: Ang aming mahabang bakasyon ay malapit nang matapos ↔ Our long vacation has passed all too soon
bakasyon (Tagalog): meaning, translation - WordSense bakasyon (Cebuano) Origin history English vacation, from Middle French vacation, from Latin vacātio Pronunciation Hyphenation: ba | ka | syon; Noun bakasyon furlough, vacation; the period between school terms; summer break; Christmas break
BAKASYON - Philippine Dictionary bakasyon Active Verb: magbakasyon Definition: 1) vacation, rest (noun) 2) to take a vacation; to leave for a vacation; to go on vacation (verb) Examples: Magbakasyon ka na muna sa Cebu (Just take a vacation to Cebu )
bakasyon - Philippine Languages BAKASYON is a word in Tagalog with its meaning in English bakasyon Active Verb: magbakasyon Definition: 1) vacation, rest (noun) 2) to take a vacation; to leave for a vacation; to go on vacation (verb) Examples: Magbakasyon ka na muna sa Cebu
Meaning of bakasyon - Tagalog Dictionary bakasyon n 1 vacation; holiday; 2 furlough; 3 brief stay Pinoy Dictionary 2010 - 2024 All Rights Reserved Powered by Cyberspace PH